Article by David Rosales.
Consciously transcendental, voluntarily anachronistic, causing despondent exasperation among the pretentious and the untermensch. Kataxu blends the phantasmagorical reveries of dungeon synth with brief, unidentifiable nods to the nordic triune of atmospheric evil black metal. Kataxu Roots Thunder escapes morphing into ‘flowing black metal‘, layers majestically, layers in hiding, layers hiding, forms and shapes…
The vision of a parallel universe, the premonition of an unexisting reality, virtuous emanations from the pleromic godhead. Cathartic distillation and entrancing meditation upon the mental techniques necessary for the mastery of a sorcery in the form of black metal. Kataxu Roots Thunder is without Time, within context, under the radar, above reproach.
I, I am godless,
and I am the one whose God is great.
I am the one whom you have reflected upon,
and you have scorned me.
I am unlearned,
and they learn from me.
I am the one that you have despised,
and you reflect upon me.
I am the one whom you have hidden from,
and you appear to me.
But whenever you hide yourselves,
I myself will appear.
For whenever you appear,
I myself will hide from you.— from ‘The Thunder, Perfect Mind’